My thoughts on Ultimate Marvel coming back and will it win back readers?
It was announced at New York Comic Con on Saturday that the Ultimate Marvel is officially back, and a lot of fans are happy about this, but at the same time, comics are not doing so well, so this could be a good sign.

Now, Ultimate Marvel has its good stories and bad stories. Some of those storylines inspired some MCU films. Also, Ultimate Spider-Man was a huge success, very popular among fans for it was a new Spiderman for younger generation and Mark Millar's Ultimates 1 and 2 were fantastic and are considered classics.
However, Ultimate Marvel did have bad stories like one example, Spiderman and Wolverine switched bodies. In contrast, Spider-Man is 15 years old, and Wolverine is a grown man; Wolverine also tries to sleep with Mary Jane, who is 15. It's creepy, just creepy. No wonder nobody likes Ultimate Wolverine.
Don't even get me started on the Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch incest. That storyline was wrong and disturbing on so many levels. What was Jeph Loeb thinking?
However, this new Ultimate Universe will be a full-on reboot.
I haven't read Ultimate Invasion, but I've read spoilers about it. All I know is
Tony Stark's Father is Iron Man, and Tony in this universe is Iron Lad.
Also, Maker, the villain of the series, killed a Fantastic Four variant except for Reed, who made it into Dr. Doom. However, Reed and Tony plot to stop the Maker, and Reed calls himself Dr. Doom and Anti-Marker. He wants to avenge his family after Maker killed them.
So this new Tony Stark calls himself Iron Lad because he's not ready to be the new Iron Man until he proves himself. There is Reed Richards aka Dr. Doom/Anti Maker.
They defeat Maker and we're getting a whole Ultimate Universe.
Now the mini series ended with them meeting Ultimate Thor and Ultimate Captain America who was still frozen.
Now they have announced four new Ultimate Titles
Ultimate Universe, Ultimate Spiderman, Ultimate Black Panther, and Ultimate X-Men.
Now the new Ultimates Team rooster will be.
Captain America, Iron Lad/Tony Stark, Thor, Sif, and Reed Richards/Dr. Doom.
It's an exciting team rooster. I will admit I like it. It has five members, which works, and it's a weird team, but I like it for that. I would like to know who will join the Ultimates in later issues. Ultimate Cap, Iron Man, and Thor will take after the MCU counterparts, but I don't know; I must wait and see. Also, future members could be Spiderman, Black Panther, Wasp, Giant-Man, Wolverine, and Black Widow. We will have to wait and see who appears in future stories.
Also, we know Ultimate Iron Man's origin in this new universe. What will Cap and Thor's new origins be? How will they be written, and will fans like or dislike them?
The next relaunch is Ultimate Spider-Man this will be written by Jonathan Hickman I take him over Zeb Wells.
Now, Ultimate Spider-Man could be better than current Spider-Man. I want good Spider-Man stories, not ones where he's fighting Mary Jane.
It's also believed the series does not focus on Peter Parker. He may not be Spiderman. It could be someone like Miles Morales or someone unexpected like John Jameson, Harry Osborn, or Ben Reilly. However, it could be Peter Parker, but this will be a different version of the character, like he'll have a different origin. I hope he's an adult instead of a teenager.
Still, the idea of this being a different Spider-Man sounds interesting as long as it's an interesting character. So maybe I'll give this read because after Zeb Wells took over Spider-Man comics, he just killed my love for reading Spider-Man comics.
This comic will be the first issue that launches the New Ultimate Universe.
The next title is Ultimate Black Panther
Now, Ultimate Black Panther, the series will be inspired by Ryan Cooger's Black Panther films, which is a sign that Ultimate Marvel will have those MCU vibes. Black Panther has a cowl. I'm not too big on it, but as long as the character of T'Challa is written right, that's all that matters. The story is about Black Panther protecting his home from Moon Knight. Moon Knight will be the story's villain, and he's now Khonshu and Ra merged into one, so no Marc Spencer. They want to expand their control of Africa, and T'Challa has to stop them. It sounds like an exciting idea for a Black Panther story, and I would give it a read. T'Challa will not be a mute or mutant like he was in the original Ultimate universe.
The final series relaunch is Ultimate X-Men
Now, Ultimate X-Men reintroduce X-Men and mutants in this new Ultimate Universe. We will likely see Cyclops, Wolverine, Jean, Nightcrawler, Storm, Gambit, and many more. The series will focus on Hisako Ichiki, known as Armor. The first issue will focus on her discovering her powers, and we will no doubt meet the X-Men, who will meet with her and want her to come to Xavier Mansion to use her powers for good. The series will show what it means to be a mutant in this Ultimate Universe. It sounds like a fresh start to Ultimate X-Men. We'll see what it does.

That's my thoughts on the Ultimate Marvel Relaunch in 2024.
Now, will it make readers want to reread Marvel comics? It depends because Marvel could be better right now. After all, they keep hiring crappy writers, but from what I've seen from the writers they are hiring for this, I think it could be good. Comics are dying and need something to bring back their primary readers because I've already talked about how I feel about current comics. So, if this is good, maybe it will encourage mainstream Marvel comics to return to their old ways and focus on good stories, hiring storytellers, not agenda-driven writers, and just making the stories fun and escapist from the real world.
I'm happy Marvel is ending the Krakoa era because I hated how the X-Men were written, and I'm so glad Marvel is returning the characters to the X mansion.
I would love a recon on Marvel Comics. I wouldn't say I like how current writers make us not want to read any more comics because these current writers aren't good.
So, let's hope this wins back the audience. If it doesn't, well, comics are indeed dead. Look at the charts. Mangas are winning.
That's my thoughts on the Ultimate Marvel relaunch. Let me know what you think. Will it make you read Marvel again? We'll have to wait and see what Ultimate Spider-Man does in January 2024.
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