Should the MCU get a reboot?
Recently, it was announced that Victoria Alonso has been let go from Marvel Studios. I had a lot of issues with how Alonso was running things, and if you read my why X-Men is not Outdated. You'll see why. Recently it's been revealed that Alonso was very toxic working at Marvel and was fired because she wasn't doing a good job and was difficult to work with. This may be true, but we have yet to learn from this. However, I think it's a good thing they let her go because, let's face it, Phase 4 was a disaster except for Spiderman No Way Home, Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special, and Werewolf by Night.
Phase 4 was terrible, and Phase 5 had a bad start with Ant-Man and the Wasp 3. Now I still have high hopes for Guardians of the Galaxy vol 3 because this will be Gunn's last Marvel film because he's busy setting up the DCU. To be honest, I'm more excited for the DCU than for future Marvel projects. The DCU focuses on a proper ten-year plan, story, and character-driven films and shows, and most of these projects can be PG-13 or rated R.

Marvel after Endgame just went downhill. Now don't get me wrong, there were some bad films from the past phases, like Iron Man 2, Thor Dark World, Ant-Man and the Wasp, Iron Man 3, Age of Ultron, and Captain Marvel. However, Phase 4 didn't make as much money, and they tried to adapt all-new, all-different Marvel, which was a mistake because we should have gotten the X-Men and Fantastic 4 in Phase 4, but I know they were taking their time with those projects. Phase 4 what they did wrong was they didn't hire good writers, or Marvel doesn't give directors freedom of control, and they don't want to hire writers who are fans of these characters. Another thing Phase 4 did wrong was they chose Quantity over Quality. As well as sidling their protagonists for a co-lead, downgrading their male and female leads by making them either stupid and a pushover or unlikeable. They tried to release three or four Marvel projects each year. Too many sympathetic villains, not enough villains to love to hate, and pushing agenda over story and character. These are the issues with Phase 4. It has nothing to do with being more diverse or having representation. The real problem is the stories and characters aren't well written. That's the primary problem quantity over quality.

Now that Bob Iger is back in charge, I think he's seen the problem with how everything is going, and I think he fired Alonso because after the recent reports about Alonso being very toxic working at Marvel and wasn't doing a good job with the VFX department. Now the question is should the MCU get a soft reboot? Maybe because, let's face it, more people are excited for DC projects than Marvel because I believe Gunn has a good ten-year plan, but there's still a chance it could suck. I would be surprised if Bob announces that they are delaying most of the projects in Phase 5 or canceling them because no one is excited about them. They might announce a significant change in Phase 5, and I would be shocked if they say we're giving you the X-Men in Phase 5, or they might announce that Secret Wars will be a soft reboot for the MCU. They will retell everyone's origin or have them already established in the MCU.

Secret Wars could be the film that resets everything and could be a reboot of the MCU.
Some fans may want this to happen because the MCU isn't doing well. However, some fans don't want a reboot because they like where the franchise is going.
The Flash film will reset everything, and we are hopefully getting a proper ten-year plan under James Gunn.
So should the MCU get rebooted? I would say yes, and no. Yes, because it's best to start from scratch again, but I know some fans who like where the franchise is going, and I get that.
I think the MCU needs to get a reboot but not rush, but plan out a soft reboot of the franchise. However, they might get better again in the future. Who knows, they might fully redeem themselves with Phase 5 despite the bad start with Ant-Man 3. It depends on how the rest of Phase 5 goes because, after Phase 4, they want bigger numbers at the box office and good reviews. Bob might say in the future. "We need to reboot the franchise and start from scratch." It could happen, but we don't know what the future holds for the MCU.
Now if I were to reboot the MCU, I would follow James Gunn's plan for the DCU. Like Gunn's Legacy, Brave and the Bold and Lanterns will set up Justice League and maybe Waller. The other projects are world-building and expanding the DCU. I would go with that approach. Phase 1 for me would be. I would have six projects that set up The Avengers, and the other projects expand on the Marvel Universe.
Captain America and the Invaders
The first film is Captain America, which will start the new MCU. The film will be set in WW2; this time, we have the Invaders like Namor, The Torch, Toro, Union Jack, and Spitfire. The film won't retell Cap's origin, for he is already Captain America in WW2. The film is more like a war film, and the film's villain is Red Skull and Baron Zemo. The film ends with Captain America getting frozen and Bucky losing his arm and becoming Winter Soldier. Cap would be unfrozen in the end, and he would be the first recruit for the Avengers.
The Invincible Iron Man
The Iron Man film is a reboot and retelling of his origin, but instead of a weak heart, this Tony has a tumor in his heart. The film will feature his supporting cast from the old movies and will have Bethany Cabeus as his love interest, and his brother Arno Stark will be the villain. I would combine the characters of both Arno Stark and Gregory Stark from Ultimate Marvel into one character. Iron Man is a very important character in the MCU because he goes from a billionaire playboy to one of the greatest heroes in the MCU.
The God of Thunder
The Thor film focus on Thor exploring the nine realms, and it will end with him living on earth. The film will have Loki, but this time, Loki is his half-brother, not adopted, and the film will feature Balder the Brave, the Warriors Three, and Lady Sif, who will be his love interest. The film's villain will be Malekith, who will have the Wrecking Crew as his henchmen. Also, Loki will be the villain in the second movie, and in the film, Thor goes by Donald Blake when he is banished to earth.
The Incredible HulkHulk will be a tv series since the 1980s show was popular. The series will be an origin story of how Bruce became the Hulk and Bruce having to go on the run and hide from the military. The series features Betty Ross and Thunderbolt Ross. The series' first-season villain is Ravage, and the season sets up Abombnation as the season 2 villain and She-Hulk.
Tales of Suspense Tales of Suspense is a tv series focusing on Black Widow and Hawkeye going on a dangerous mission. Their mission is to stop a HYDRA project, but the two also learn of each other's past. These two would have a romance with each other. The series' main villain is Baron Wolfgang Von Strucker. Along with him are Trickshot, Hawkeye's brother, and Viper.
SHIELD will focus on Nick Fury and the setup of the Avengers, and the show will introduce Baron Zemo's grandson. Helmut becomes the new Zemo and is the villain of the show and later the main villain in Avengers. SHIELD will be a tv series.
The Avengers Reborn

These six projects will lead into The Avengers, and the film focuses on the team taking on the Masters of the Evil, which will be Baron Zemo, Viper, Abombnation, Trickshot, Loki, and Crimson Dynamite.
Although I know some might say why not change up the team, like include Ant-Man and Wasp instead of Black Widow and Hawkeye. I get that, but I don't know who the rooster be if they reboot the MCU.
However, this isn't all of Phase 1. I would do what Gunn is, just expand more on the universe in Phase 1. These other projects aren't going to lead into Avengers but expand the universe.
The Spectacular Spiderman
Spiderman would be in the MCU and would get a movie, and it won't be a retelling of the character's origin. Peter Parker has been Spiderman for two years and is about seventeen years old. Some of his villains are already established, but the first film's main villain will be Scorpion. In the movie, Jonah wants to create a better superhero, so he uses Mac Garden to become a superhero codename, the Scorpion. The film has most of Spiderman's supporting cast, and in this film, Gwen Stacy is Peter's love interest, but in future films, MJ will be his love interest. Spidey still follows his uncle Ben's words of wisdom with Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility. Spidey would be set up to join the Avengers but not for awhile.
The Black Panther
Black Panther would get a reboot, and it would be an origin story for the character of T'Challa. This Black Panther is inspired by Batman Begins. We see T'Challa's training and his fighting for the title of Black Panther. The film would have his supporting cast, and the film's villain will be Klaw. The film has T'Challa's father T'Chaka, as Black Panther, but he is murdered by Klaw. The film is a coming-of-age story and focuses on T'Challa becoming a warrior, a king, and, most of all, a hero. Also. Storm would be in the film as his love interest.
The Fantastic 4
Fantastic 4 would get a movie. I would either skip the origin and have them already established or retell their origin and get it right. The film is about family and them working together as well. Reed and Sue plan to get married, but they have to face off against Mole Man. Dr. Doom would be in the film, but he will be set up as the next villain of the film.
Photon would get a movie because I think the character is better written than Carol Danvers. The film explores space and will have the original Mar'Vel, who dies of cancer. Monica decides not to take up the mantle of Captain Marvel but instead continue Mar'Vel's work as Photon. The film would have the Kree, Skrulls, and Nova Corps, and this film would set up Guardians of the Galaxy.
The Uncanny X Men
X-Men would get a tv series adaptation instead of a film because X-Men, I feel, works just as good as a tv series. The X-Men have been around for a while, and the team we focus on is Cyclops, Jean, Wolverine, Gambit, Rogue, Storm, Beast, and Psylocke. The first season has them facing off against Mr. Sinister and his Maunders.
The Savage Wolverine
Wolverine would get his own tv series that explores his origins and life before being an X-Man. It would also be a period piece tv series like we're watching a history show.
Daredevil would get his own tv series because horn head works better as a tv series. The show explores the street-level hero community and will feature Daredevil's supporting cast, with Kingpin as the villain.
Heroes for Hire Heroes for Hire is a tv series that focuses on Luke Cage and Iron Fist, and it's about them protecting the streets of New York and offering private services for money. The series would also include Jessica Jones, the first season's villain, CottonMouth, and Steel Serpent as a secondary villain.
Daughters of the DragonDaughters of the Dragon focuses on Misty Knight and Colleen Wig solving mysteries together and fighting thugs. The series has them working together to take down Black Mariah.
So that's how I would reboot the MCU. Six projects lead into Avengers, while the other nine projects expand on the Marvel Universe. I would look at Gunn's plan for the DCU, but who knows how that will turn out. However, what do you think? Should the MCU get rebooted or not? Do you think Secret Wars could be a soft reboot of the MCU? If they want to reboot, I would take some time to plan it out and not rush, like wait three years to reboot. Still, we don't know what the future holds. The MCU could get better, or they might just reboot the universe and try to do what DC's doing unless it doesn't turn out well.