Saturday 4 February 2023

Top Elseworld stories I want to see in films and show.


It was announced that Gunn will be making Elseworld films, and we know now that the Batman films and the Joker films will be dubbed as Elseworld films. 

I like the idea of these films being Elseworld, but a part of me wanted the Batman film series to be in the DCU. But in the end, it's best to let Matt Reeves do his thing with the series. 
Still, I love how Gunn is expanding on the ideas of Elseworld storylines. This could outshine the MCU. 
I don't expect the MCU to make What If films, but who knows, Gunn might inspire them, too, since I worked with them for years.  

So here are the top Elseworld films I want to see on the big screen because they would be exciting storylines to adapt. 

6. Superman Red Son
I think Red Son would be a good stand-alone movie that shows what would happen if Superman landed in Soviet Russia. It would be an interesting Elseworld film to make. Director Jordan Vogt Roberts has said he wants to make a Superman Red Son film and he is an excellent choice to direct it.  

5. Kingdom Come
Kingdom Come is likely in the works since Gunn's Twitter profile pic is the Kingdom Come cover. This would be an epic movie series or tv mini-series that shows all the heroes being older now, and it's the end of the DC Universe. It's an exciting idea for a film or series. 

4. Batman Gotham by Gaslight 
Gotham by Gaslight is a storyline about Batman if he was around during the Victorian Era. The story is about him hunting down Jack the Ripper, and it could be an R-rated Batman film or series. This would be a cool Batman project to work on, and for a mature audience, a more Batman that's more violent, gritty, darker, and nudity.  

3. Dark Knights of Steel 
As a Fantasy fan, I would love to see Dark Knights of Steel get made into a film or tv series because it would be cool. I love the idea of Batman as a knight and focusing on him and Superman. That would be an incredible series to adapt on screen. Also, this would work as an animated series. 

2. Earth-Two 
I've done past Earth Two fan cast and ideas in my blog. An Earth-Two film trilogy would be fantastic, and like I mentioned on past blogs, it could be DC's own Lord of the Rings Trilogy. The first issue of Earth-Two opens with a big battle against Darkseid and the armies of Apokolips. That's something out of the prologue of Fellowship of the Ring. 

1. Batman Beyond 
Batman Beyond is the number one Elseworld film I would love to see get made. Originally they were going to make a Batman Beyond in the DCEU, and Michael Keaton was set to return. However, that project got canceled, but it would have turned out bad. However, there is still time to bring back this film and have Keaton play Bruce Wayne again. The idea of a Batman Beyond film is something everyone wants to see on the big screen. Out of all the Elseworld films, I want to see a Batman Beyond film. 

So those are the top six Elseworld storylines I would like to see adapted on screen. Let me know what you think.

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