Friday 24 February 2023

My Thoughts on the Multiple Middle Earth films coming from WB


My Thoughts on WB planning new Middle Earth films.

So WB has announced they are making more Middle Earth Movies, and It's both exciting and concerning after Rings of Power ugh. However, unlike Rings of Power, WB might get better writers and directors for these films. They also need a good plan for making these stories about Tolkien's work. 

Now we are getting The War of the Rohirrim, an animated film.
I'm excited because Miranda Otto is returning to narrate the story. 

A young Aragorn film series would work because this character had a lot of adventures before 
Lord of the Rings. 
I heard reports they want to make movies about Aragorn, Gandalf, Gollum, Galadriel, and Eowyn. I think an Aragon movie would work because there are so many stories about Aragorn's adventures before Lord of the Rings, but I am unsure about a Gandalf film and a Gollum film. A Gandalf film. I don't know if that would work because they must find a young actor or have Ian McKellen return. Ian McKellen said in an interview he would love to play Gandalf even if he's in his 80s. A Gollum movie. I love Gollum, but I'm not sure an origin film would work because he gets banished from his home and lives under the mountains for five hundred years. A Gollum wouldn't work I mean, we're getting a video game about the character this year, after all. Galadriel was ruined in the Rings of Power, so it would be hard to sell that character unless it's more faithful to the book because she's way better in the books and Jackson's films. An Eowyn film. I love the character, but I'm not sure it could work, but it depends on how it's written. Like is it about how she dealt with her parents' death? And what made her want to become a warrior? It depends on how they write it. 

I hope they will adapt stories from the First Age events because there are many stories to cover, like Silmarion, Beren and Luthien, Children of Hurin, Fall of Gondolin, and maybe an adaption of the War of Wraith. 
WB would have to get the rights to adapt those storylines because I think these would be exciting storylines to adapt on screen. It could be a new trilogy or quadrilogy. There are more stories to tell from the First Age that would be exciting to watch, but also, the First Age was the dark age because most of First Age stories ended sad and bitter-sweet. 
There are also good storylines from the third age before the events of the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings, like the Fall of the Kingdom of Arnor.
This would be an exciting movie or tv series because it goes Game of Thrones. The Kingdom of Arnor is divided into three kingdoms, and the Witch King is the story's villain.
The story also features the last King of Gondor before Aragorn took the throne.
Something like this would be good. The story also has hobbits, which fits because they get known till the third age, not the second.

However, there is a chance they might screw this up, and I'm worried we will get another Rings of Power adaption. I did not like Rings of Power at all. I thought it was a terrible show. Now I know some people like it, and that's fine. I just don't like how it was written, and it just came off as fan fiction to me. 
(Google Image)
This is not Galadriel. This is the Lady of Karens.

(Google Image)
This is Galadriel, Lady of Light. 
Her second-age storyline from the books is way better than Rings of Power Galadriel. 
But hey, WB could give us a better-written Galadriel if they make a movie about her. That has no connection to Rings of Power. 
We can all agree that we don't want a follow-up trilogy to Lord of the Rings. Remember how Tolkien almost wrote a sequel book called the New Shadow, but he decided it didn't work. So let's hope they never announce a sequel trilogy because we know how bad that goes. Still, if they want to add original characters to these stories, that's fine. Just make sure they serve a purpose in the story and aren't there for no reason. 

A good example is the Blue Wizards.
The Two Blue Wizards are mystery characters in Tolkien's work if they decide to make a movie about them. They would have to write their own take on what happened to them on their travels because Tolkien never got a chance to write about what they did in the East and South. 
If it's done right, it could be a good movie from the Easterling's point of view or the Two Blue Wizards exploring the East and South of Middle Earth. A better understanding of why the Easterlings and Harads sided with Sauron. 

There are a lot of stories about Tolkien's work to adapt, and I do hope Peter Jackson is involved. 
In fact, I heard WB, unlike Amazon, is going to him for help and to build something good.
I love that idea.
Peter Jackson should be the Kevin Feige of the Middle Earth films.
He better understands Tolkein's work, and I think he would greatly help these projects.
Trust me, if WB made Jackson head producer of The Middle Earth films and was the Feige, this would be epic.  

So that's my thoughts on WB Multiple Middle Earth Movies.
I hope this will be good, but I must keep my expectations low because they might screw this up.
I'm hoping Jackson is involved, and I hope they don't make any original stories or a follow-up to Lord of the Rings. I do hope for movies set in the First Age, and if they adapt stories from the third age, please be well written. 
We shall see what they do in the future, hope they have good writers, and respect Tolkien's work. I know they will change some of the stories, but they should still respect Tolkien's ideas and themes. As well as his characters too.
Let me know what you think, and are you excited about these upcoming Middle Earth films, or are you nervous about what they might do after seeing what Amazon did. Just for the record, I know Amazon didn't have the full rights to Tolkien's work; I get it. I just think they should have done more work to get more rights to adapt storylines.   

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