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What If: We got a Spiderman Vs. Wolverine film in the 2000s.
We all know Spiderman and Wolverine will likely meet in a future MCU project, most likely Secret Wars. Since Tobey returned as Spiderman in No Way Home, and Hugh Jackman is returning as Wolverine in Deadpool 3. One thing we 90s kids have wanted to see for a long time is these two teaming up on the big screen. Tobey and Hugh made our childhoods in the 2000s awesome. I remember playing Spiderman and Wolverine action figures as a kid, and I said to myself, "Wouldn't it be cool if these were in a movie together." Since it is the Multiverse saga, anything is possible, and Tobey is down to play Spidey again. Who knows, maybe Hugh Jackman will play Wolverine again after Deadpool 3. Although I do hope the MCU will cast their own Wolverine because I'm down for a Tom Holland Spiderman team-up with the MCU Wolverine.
Just imagine these two fighting side by side in Secret Wars.
Still, I wonder what would have happened if we had that film in the 2000s. Before he made it big, Kevin wanted Wolverine to cameo in Spiderman. There was supposed to be a cameo of Wolverine in Spiderman, but Sony couldn't do it because of rights. But what if Sony and Fox made a deal to share their characters. So we got a cameo of Wolverine in the first Spiderman film. The other Spiderman and X-Men films also gave hints at each other, including the 2003 Daredevil and 2005 Fantastic 4. However, one change from that outcome is those two projects got better directors, and those directors are James Mangold for Daredevil and Jon Favreau for Fantastic Four. Also, Sony's Ghost Rider film gets a better director in Robert Rodriguez.
Now, seeing this encourages the studios to say, let's make a Spiderman vs. Wolverine film. The news is huge, and everyone is excited for this film. Fans are so excited to see these two meet on the big screen.
So they announced a Spiderman VS. Wolverine film and Tobey Maguire and Hugh Jackman will star together. The film adapts the Spiderman vs. Wolverine one-shot issue with some changes.
This film only happens because, after the bad reviews of X-Men: The Last Stand and Spiderman 3, both studios decided to make a Spiderman vs. Wolverine film to help make up for the last films. After all, they knew fans wanted to see a crossover movie happen.
However, certain projects don't happen in this universe.
The film is directed by Matthew Vaughn.
In this universe, he never made Kick-Ass or X-Men First Class. Instead, he made Spiderman VS. Wolverine. Also, since Tobey is returning to play Spiderman again in this film, we never get The Amazing Spiderman films. Also, X-Men Origins Wolverine never happens, either. However, The Wolverine would still happen, at least.
Let's begin my Spiderman vs. Wolverine film.
The film has Spiderman going to Europe for an essential job for the Daily Bugle, and he goes with his co-worker Ned Leeds. Ned Leeds would be in this film, and he's Betty's husband. He is played by Scott Speedman.
Ned is a field reporter for the Daily Bugle and is a nice guy who Peter becomes fast friends with because he fills in the hole for Peter after Harry's death. Ned and Betty are married and are expecting their first child together. Hearing that makes Peter think about having kids, but he wonders if his kids will inherit his powers. In the film, Aunt May asks Peter and Mary Jane if they will consider having kids, which Mary Jane likes, and so does Peter. He wonders if his powers are genetic and his children inherit them.
I just learned that Spiderman 4 would have Peter and MJ broken up.
The film would have him being Spiderman and having a romance with Black Cat, played by Anne Hathaway. However, I'm making my own take on Spiderman 4.
In the film, Peter and Mary Jane plan to get married, and Aunt May is very excited about the wedding. They plan to marry after Peter gets back from Germany. Peter thinks maybe he should retire as Spiderman once he gets married. However, MJ doesn't want him to because she believes the city still needs him, but he points out the city still has Daredevil, The Fantastic 4, and the X-Men. This is true, but even Peter feels the city needs Spiderman despite there being more heroes in New York.
Still, the two of them plan to have the wedding after his Germany trip. Spidey even invites his friends from the Bugle, but it's awkward because he invites Jonah, and we all know why that's awkward. However, Peter still mourns Harry's death and wishes he could have saved him that night. Not just him but also Mary Jane too. Mary Jane did tell Peter about what Harry did to her in the last film.
In the film, Aunt May asks them if they consider having kids. MJ is down, and Peter likes the idea but is worried that his kids might inherit his powers. He even does a test on Curt's lab and learns his blood is also genetic. Also, there is a hint that the Lizard is coming in the next film.
Peter and Ned go to Germany for an extensive report on mutants from Jonah Jameson.
Wolverine is now traveling around the world after X-Men 3 and still grieving Jean's death because he killed her. He's just trying to find himself. The X-Men are led by Storm now, and he still keeps in touch with the X-Men. It is hinted that Wolverine and Storm are more than friends now.
This a deleted scene from Days of Future's Past, and it makes sense that he and Storm are lovers.
He would still have dreams of Jean and feel guilty about killing her, but he had no choice.
In the film, he learns he's being hunted by Omega Red by Weapon X. Wolverine is shocked to learn Weapon X is back, but Stryker did tell him one day, someone will continue his work. Wolverine decides to stop Weapon X for good, and Spiderman wants to help, but Wolverine says no; he instead does it alone. He's a loner.
The villains of the film are Omega Red and Kraven the Hunter.
Omega Red is sent by Weapon Plus to hunt down Weapon Plus because Weapon Plus wants to make Wolverine into Weapon X. Omega Red is played by Mickey Rourke.
I know some people will say, but he didn't play Whiplash in Iron Man 2. He never got cast in Iron Man 2 in this What If, so he played Omega Red instead.
Kraven the Hunter is hunting down Spiderman because he views him as his greatest prey. He wants to kill Spiderman and make him a trophy. He also joins forces with Omega Red and has been paid by Weapon Plus to hunt down mutants. Kraven is played by Jeffery Dean Morgan.
Weapon X also returns in this film. They have a base in Russia, and we are introduced to the character Charlemagne, an agent for Weapon X. She is played by Natalya Rudakova. She was once an old fling of Wolverine, too, and she is the one who hired Kraven to hunt down Spiderman for Weapon X because they think Spiderman is a mutant, but he's not. Also, she informs him of Weapon X returning. However, it turns out she's a double agent, and she tries to kill Wolverine and Spiderman but ends up getting killed by Angel.

In the film, Spiderman and Wolverine meet during a fight with Omega Red. Spidey makes a joke, and Wolverine rolls his eyes at his comment. The two don't seem to like each other; Spiderman views Wolverine as dangerous, and Wolverine thinks Spiderman is an idiot. While that is happening, Spidey encounters Kraven the Hunter, hunting him down. Kraven has trouble capturing him, which bothers Kraven greatly because he's never failed at hunting. After all, he considers himself the greatest hunter in the world. Later, he decides to follow Spiderman to his hotel. Kraven looks at the balcony and out steps Ned Leeds. So Kraven thinks Ned is Spiderman and decides he will strike tomorrow night and kill him. Spiderman is swinging through Berlin one night and encounters Wolverine, who meets his old friend
Charlemagne. Wolverine learns of Weapon X coming back and under the new leadership of Trett Hudson, and Spidey wants to help Logan, but he doesn't want his help. This is from the comic Spiderman vs. Wolverine.

However, things change when Spidey returns to his hotel and finds Ned Leeds dead, his throat slit open. Peter informs The Daily Bugle of this, and he feels guilt for not saving Ned and is upset for Betty. Spiderman, at first, thinks Wolverine has something to do with this. However, this murder was done by Kraven the Hunter, for he thought Ned was Spiderman.
He confronts Wolverine about it, but Peter is full of anger and guilt and attacks Wolverine. The two of them fight, ending with Wolverine putting his hand underneath Spiderman's chin.
This is from the comic. Wolverine talks him out of the fight and pulls a Xavier on him. Wolverine tells him he didn't kill Ned, but Spidey believes him and realizes Kraven did this. They both wonder why Kraven would kill Ned.
In this scene, Peter and Logan talk about their close friends. Peter tells Logan about Harry's death, and he's still grieving over his best friend because he couldn't save him, and Ned's death hits hard because he failed again to save a friend. Wolverine tells him he knows that he couldn't save Charles, who was like a father to him, and he tells him about Jean and how he had to kill her to save the world. Spiderman is shocked by what he did with Jean but understands what was at stake. The two of them bond over this and become somewhat brothers.
Suddenly, they both get a surprise attack from Weapon X and Omega Red.
They escape but fight off the soldiers, and Omega Red fights Spiderman and Wolverine, and then Kraven attacks. The fight is brutal until Wolverine is knocked out and taken by Weapon X. Spiderman escapes, and one dying soldier tells him they are taking him to this old base in Russia, where they are turning mutants into weapons.
Spidey even finds Wolverine's jacket to keep warm, sneaks on the plane, and says, "I got to make a suit that handles winter."
They arrive at the base. Wolverine meets the new head of Weapon X.
Truett Hudson is played by John Malkovich.
Truett has taken over the Weapon X program and wants to create a new Team X.
He's already captured some mutants: Darwin, Angel Salvadore, Banshee, Emma Frost, Nightcrawler, and someone we thought was dead, Cyclops.
That's right. Cyclops would be in the film since X-Men Origins never happened.
The studio decided to bring back the character in this film, and it's revealed that Cyclops never died.
Jean didn't kill him. The phoenix teleported him to Russia, where he woke up and was captured by the new Weapon X. In this film, we would see Cyclops lead a team and be a leader to this group of mutants being held captive. Cyclops knows Jean is dead, but he doesn't hate Wolverine for killing her because Jean came to him in a dream and told him about what happened.
Also, the characters are played by their First Class actors, except Nightcrawler is recast with Rami Malek.
Now, in the film, Spidey sneaks away and tries to find a way to free Logan and the other mutants. Spiderman realizes he can't fight Omega Red, Kraven, and their soldiers alone, so he decides to go free the mutants. Spiderman breaks into one of the cells and meets Cyclops, who has eyes covered by a special helmet. Spiderman tells him he's here to save him, and Cyclops tells him he's been planning to escape for a while. Spiderman helps Cyclops escape and free the other mutants, and he takes off Scott's helmet and gives him his glasses. Scott how he got there and reveals that they were in Wolverine's jacket. Wolverine kept those glasses to remember Scott.

Wolverine is held prisoner, and Truett Hudson reveals that he was part of Weapon X from the very beginning, and it's revealed that Charline was working for him. Also, he wanted to make Spiderman part of Weapon X, but Wolverine tells him he's not a mutant. He's just some guy who got bit by a radioactive spider. Truett is disappointed to hear that but doesn't care. He will turn Wolverine into the ultimate weapon and kill anyone for Weapon X.
However, Spiderman, Cyclops, and Nightcrawler save Wolverine. Wolverine is shocked to see Cyclops is alive and Nightcrawler. They try to escape, but both Omega Red and Kraven come in. Spiderman and Wolverine hold them off while Cyclops leads everyone out of the base. We see Cyclops and the other mutants fight their way out of the base.

We see Spiderman and Wolverine fight Omega Red and Kraven. The epic fight ends with Wolverine killing Omega Red by cutting off his head and throwing it into a fire. Spiderman beats Kraven, grabs his spear, and is about to kill him for murdering Ned, but he is stopped by Wolverine. Wolverine tells him he is no killer and shouldn't go to his level. It won't bring back the people he's lost. Hearing this makes Peter throw away the spear and knock out Kraven. Spiderman and Wolverine escape, where they are greeted by Cyclops. Suddenly, the Black Bird comes, and out steps Storm, Beast, Ice Man, Kitty Pryde, Rogue, and Colossus.
The X-Men arrive and are shocked to see Cyclops alive again but are happy at the same time. Spiderman and Wolverine escape Weapon X. The X-Men are surprised to see Wolverine with Spiderman and have Kraven webbed up.
They all escape and drop Spiderman off back in Queens.
Spidey offers to invite Wolverine to his wedding, and Wolverine declines but congratulates him. Before he leaves, Beasts offers to fix Spidey's and make more suits since he was severely ripped from the fight. Spidey likes that idea and tells the X-Men to let him know if they need help again. The X-Men accept his help, but now Peter needs to deal with the death of another friend. He returns to Mary Jane, and she asks what happened, and he explains everything to her. They decide to postpone their wedding as they need to be there for Betty now that Ned is dead.
The film ends with Ned's Funeral as they all mourn his death, and Betty is heartbroken knowing her child will grow up without a father. Peter promises to be there for Betty and her child; not only him but Jonah, Robbie, and Ted promise to be there for her. Which helps Betty a lot knowing she's got friends.
Jonah feels the most guilty if he had known something like this; he would never have sent Peter and Ned to Europe, but Peter tells him it's not his fault they didn't know this would happen. Peter assures them the murder was caught by Spiderman. Jonah would, as usual, blame Spiderman, but he doesn't. He says. "Good. But don't tell him I said that, Parker."
As Peter and MJ are about to leave, Ted asks what Spiderman was doing in Germany. Peter tells them he was helping his friend Wolverine. To which Ted responds, "Is Spiderman a mutant?" Ted looks at Jonah, and Jonah now worries he might come off as anti-mutant and Jonah actually supports mutant rights.
They toast in Jean's memory.
In the end, Scott and Emma kiss, but they have been trapped together for almost a year.
Back at the Mansion, the X-Men celebrate stopping Weapon X again and for Scott's return and Wolverine.
Wolverine and Cyclops are back at the X Mansion on the X-Men again. Emma Frost, Nightcrawler, and the other captured mutants join the X-Men. Cyclops and Emma are in a new relationship, and he pays his respects to Jean and Xavier. Both Wolverine and Cyclops make amends and work together as a team.
Storm would remain the principal of the Xavier School, but Scott would resume leadership of the X-Men.
Peter, MJ, and Aunt May return to Peter's building, where he plans to move out.
Mr. Dikatovich tells him there's someone in Peter's room, and he wants to meet with him. May asks why he would let someone in Peter's room without telling Peter sooner. Mr. Dikatovich says, "He's a tough guy. Don't want to mess with him."
They both meet Wolverine in his room, and he has a gift for Peter. Peter introduces Mary Jane and his Aunt May to Wolverine. Wolverine already likes MJ, but Peter won't let him try anything. Aunt May also sees Wolverine smoking in Peter's apartment; this is a panel from the comics.
I think it would be a funny scene to have where Aunt May just puts Wolverine in his place.
She goes up and grabs his cigar and says, "Don't smoke that in here." She drops the cigar and stomps on it. Wolverine looks at her, but he backs down. For an old woman, Aunt May is tough.
Peter opens this significant case, and inside are new Spiderman costumes. Peter tells Wolverine he'll give it to Spiderman later.
So yeah, Peter gets new costumes: a black suit, a stealth suit, an armor suit, and an updated suit of the original costume. So Spidey gets new suits and would use them in future projects.
Before Logan leaves, Spiderman hears the news that a villain called the Rhino is terrorizing the streets of Queens. Peter has to do some work, and this is when Aunt May says, "Going to save the city." Peter, MJ, and Logan are shocked, but Aunt May admits she knew Peter was Spiderman after he told her about Uncle Ben's death. Aunt May hugs him and says she and Ben are proud of him. This makes Peter happy to know, and he hugs her back.
He looks at Mary Jane, kisses her, and she says, "Go get 'em, tiger." Peter decides to put on one of his new suits. I'll leave that up to you. Peter looks like Wolverine. "Want to help?" Wolverine smiles and says
"Sure, bub."
Spiderman and Wolverine jump into action, and we get a shot of them going into battle.
So that's my What If. What do you think? Do you think a Spiderman and Wolverine would have been a great idea in the 2000s? I mean, we may get that in Secret Wars. It would have been awesome to see Tobey and Hugh together as Spiderman and Wolverine since I was a kid.
If Sony and Fox made a deal to share, could this have been a different approach to fix their mistakes?
Who knows, maybe they did this and worked out in another life, or it didn't work out. Who knows.
Let me know what you think, and I will make more What If in the future.
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